Hi. My name is Ray Graetz and I live in Brisbane, Australia.
I was raised in a small country town, in southern New South Wales, where our family regularly attended a Lutheran Church. At age 16, I left home to attend University and stopped attending church.
After graduating from University, I worked for 10 years with the Australian Public Service in Canberra, primarily directing various research programs. At age 29 I was dramatically born again one night as I was driving my car in a suburban street in Canberra. Some time later I was baptized in water (as a believer) and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
After a series of unusual events, that took place over a 6 month period, I concluded that God was calling me to leave Canberra, leave the Public Service and leave the Lutheran Church — to go to Brisbane, to a particular Assemblies of God church, to become the (practical) right hand man to the senior pastor. I made the move, turned up at the church and found that they had decided to appoint a full time Administrator and were praying that God would send them the right person.
I was appointed as the Administrator and, soon after, married the pastor’s daughter (that wasn’t part of my original guidance but I regard it as an “inspired” move).
Three years later we relocated to Canberra, following what I thought was fresh guidance from God. Nothing I anticipated worked out and, after going through a very traumatic season, we returned to Brisbane.
I enrolled at an Assemblies of God Bible College to study part time for a theological degree. Soon after, I was invited to become a part time lecturer there and, for the next 18 years, was privileged to teach as a part time lecturer at five different Bible Colleges. But I should mention that, with that time commitment, as well as the challenge of running my own business now for the past 25 years, and endeavouring to be an honourable husband (to Joy) and father to three (now adult) children, I never did get around to completing a theological degree.
Some more background information is available on this 17 minute podcast of an interview with Matt Prater (New Hope Brisbane and Vision Radio) that he posted originally on his website at historymakersradio.com/podcast/
Teaching and shepherding are two of my main giftings. And my call is to:
“Do everything I can…to help every person I connect with…
become all that God has designed them to become.”
I will do everything I can to help you become all that God has designed you to become.