“Why Am I Here?” — Module 2 — “Outworking God’s Purpose for My Life”
This series is a follow-on to Module 1 — “Recognising God’s Purpose for My Life”.
Module 1 focuses on how we might recognise God’s purpose for our life, by considering various signposts that point in that direction.
Module 2 focuses on:
(1) How God works to focus and shape our thinking to achieve His purpose for our life, and
(2) How we can recognise, avoid, and overcome, some obstacles we might encounter along the way.
The material is ready. However, because it is a follow-on to Module 1, I only propose to release this to those who complete Module 1, so that it can be processed in the most appropriate context.
In the meantime, in case you are interested in knowing more about the full “Why Am I Here?” journey, you can view a sample of Module 2 here (in the “Computer” format):
Sample – Why Am I Here – Module 2