“Spiritual Gifts”
Explore five key foundational principles with spiritual gifts:
Principle #1 — Every believer can exercise every spiritual gift in some measure.
Principle #2 — God assigns a ministry (call) to every believer that will require the exercise of one, or more, primary spiritual gifts.
Principle #3 — When God assigns our ministry (call), He also imparts to us a greater measure of initial faith to exercise those spiritual gifts that are crucial for the outworking of our ministry (call).
Principle #4 — We should seek to develop every spiritual gift, especially (but not exclusively) those that are crucial for the outworking of our ministry (call).
Principle #5 — Where we have a greater measure of faith to exercise a particular spiritual gift/ministry, through initial endowment and/or through training and practice, we have a responsibility to help other believers increase the measure of that gift/ministry in their life.
Then explore how to understand, and exercise, 26 spiritual gifts identified in the Bible.
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In both Module 1 of “Why Am I Here?” and the “Spiritual Gifts” series, we undertake a Spiritual Gifts Analysis, using a spreadsheet tool that is designed to help you get some measurable perspective on your current expression of spiritual gifts. You could also undertake this as a separate exercise. It is available under the [Spiritual Gifts Analysis] menu item…or you can click this “Spiritual Gifts Analysis” button