Spiritual Gifts Analysis

God has created each of us for a purpose and He gifts us in various ways to help us outwork that purpose. One of the ways He gifts us is through assigning a ministry (a calling) to each of us and assigning certain spiritual gifts to us, in greater measure initially, that will help us outwork our ministry/calling.

An important question that follows is how might we recognise which spiritual gifts God has assigned to us, in greater measure initially, for the outworking of His purpose for our life…and how might that help us understand what assignments He has planned for us.

The study series “Why Am I Here?” is designed to help us recognise God’s purpose for our life through six major life-mapping exercises…one of which is spiritual gifts. And one of the Application exercises provided in that study series is a “Spiritual Gifts Analysis” that uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, as a tool, to help you get some measurable perspective on your current expression of spiritual gifts.

There are some risks associated with making an analytical tool, like this, available when it is separated from the extensive training that is provided normally before this analysis is attempted. This is especially true with a subject like spiritual gifts that can be quite complex and confusing (and controversial).

For example, there are five key foundational principles with spiritual gifts that are essential for understanding this subject…and important for correctly interpreting your results from this Spiritual Gifts Analysis exercise:

Principle #1 — Every believer can exercise every spiritual gift in some measure.

Principle #2 — God assigns a ministry (call) to every believer that will require the exercise of one, or more, primary spiritual gifts.

Principle #3 — When God assigns our ministry (call), He also imparts to us a greater measure of initial faith to exercise those spiritual gifts that are crucial for the outworking of our ministry (call).

Principle #4 — We should seek to develop every spiritual gift, especially (but not exclusively) those that are crucial for the outworking of our ministry (call).

Principle #5 — Where we have a greater measure of faith to exercise a particular spiritual gift/ministry, through initial endowment and/or through training and practice, we have a responsibility to help other believers increase the measure of that gift/ministry in their life.

Despite the risks, I am making this tool available, separately, because it can be useful and it’s another way of providing a sample of what is available in the series on “Spiritual Gifts”.

Before undertaking the Analysis, you might find it helpful to read the Explanatory Notes, provided (in pdf format) through this next link, as these Notes include more background information and some observations that might help you complete the exercise and interpret your results:

Spiritual Gifts Analysis – Explanatory Notes  pdficon_small

You can access the Analysis spreadsheet through this next link:

Spiritual Gifts Analysis

If you don’t have access to Microsoft Excel, please contact me as I can provide this Analysis in manual form and possibly in another spreadsheet format.

Copyright acknowledgement:  “Excel” is a product registered by the Microsoft group of companies.